Sunday, February 25, 2007

Open Source BI - 'custom development required'

I came across this article in the online edition of computerworld last week: "Qld hospital admits open source BI" - Now this really intrigued me. Open source BI? I had not really heard of that before so I read on.

you can read it at:;402526525;pp;2

The article goes on to say (and I quote from the online aticle here "...NetOptions' general manager of software development, , said custom development was required as there was nothing available off the shelf to satisfy the hospital's requirements..."

Now BPM Partners has over 100 Vendors on our list of BI/BPM Vendors (see our buyers guide on our website) and personally I find it hard to believe that there is nothing available and that organisations are required to build their own BI solutions.

I deal directly with incredible BI vendors with highly innovative products ranging from the 'leaders' like Cognos, Business Objects, Microstrategy down to start up innovative ventures like E-novation and Seemoredata. Each of these types of vendors have offerings to suit the most basic or most complex BI requirement and have proven that to be true.

So please tell me - and I will confess that I do not know exactly what was so unique about their their requirements - what do I not understand about this need to "custom develop" BI applications when there are so many available options out there to evaluate and choose from?